This English-Spanish bilingual edition thoroughly documents the pieces that belong to the Colección Arqueológica del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (archaeological collection of the Argentine Foreign Office).
The narrative of José Antonio Pérez Gollán develops the subject matter of pre-Columbian art, the Andean world and the Argentine northwest.
The book is completed with outstanding full- colour photographs which reproduce a large number of the pieces from the collection, which includes ceramics, stone and metals, objects made by the indigenous communities from the northwest of the country between the 2nd century BC and the 10th century AD.
Marcelo Pacheco - Adriana Lauría
Enrico Crispolti
Giacinto Di Pietrantonio
ISBN 987-20580-0-8
232 pp. /80 illstns. /26.5 x 23.5 cm
$ 100 - U$S 33