This book gets together seven interviews made by the art critic Eva Grinstein: E. Basaldúa, C. Billourou, J. Ferrari, A. Negrin, H. Pigozzi, J. Sarudiansky y Mini Zuccheri.
The reason for this dialogues is to get to discussion the work made by scenographers and custom designers in the field of the arts. Understood as a plus to the contemporary art, the scenography sets are treated as spacial constructions or as "instalations".
The ups and downs of the workgroups, the posibility of setting a style, the go trough the creative process, the incidence of the new technologies are some of the subjects that the artists talk aobut in the conversations.
This book also gets a large documentation on the work made by the artists in Fundacion Proa during the show "Giuseppe Verdi: Scenography and Customs. Instalations. In this exhibition the artists make a project which takes the verdian world.
Giuseppe Verdi
Escenografía y Vestuario. Instalaciones
104 pp.
22 x 15.5 cm
ISBN 987-96091-5-8