18.06.10 - arteBA

Proa at ArteBA 10’s Press Room

For the fifth year on a row, Fundación Proa will produce the Press Room for 2010 edition of ArteBa. This year’s project invites artists to design the space, the theme being a reflection upon the press, art criticism and magazines.
From this place, Proa collaborates with the Contemporary Art fair by offering specialized press the latest services as well as a proposing a reflection while editing.



Each year, Proa asks a guest artist to put forward a project that incorporates not only the creation of a new space for journalists but also of a space that reflects upon the media itself.

In past editions, Proa invited several collaborators, the first of whom was the distinguished artist Sergio Avello; leading the way for artists such as Alejandro Puente, Graciela Hasper and Marina De Caro to build unforgettable spaces.

On this edition, Proa invited RedGalería to co-organize the exposition design given the amount of ventures and book and magazine presentations that the space requires. This collaboration is due to the contemporary aspect of RedGalería, being the first virtual gallery in Argentina. With the intervention of digital art specialist Marta Cali -who has done extensive research on the subject-, this edition’s room presents a project that not only includes the working space but also incorporates the Auditorium, which will be used throughout the day.

Marta Cali and RedGalería encourage us to subtract from the virtual space, deprived of walls, by using glasses that enable to look through the room and digital murals, as well as video cameras that project images from outside and inside the Press Room. From this journalist background, one can gaze at the general space, but also be seen by the average visitor. These images are reproduced continuous and simultaneously from different monitors placed inside the space recreating a big newsroom.

This non-limit between exterior and interior spaces, given the technology and its actual uses, give this edition a contemporary nature, concerning the space treatment and the way it is being used by the press.

A specific theoretical program has been designed for the auditorium:
June 26:
- Leandro Katz presents his book The Ghosts of Ñancahuazú
June 28:
- Book presentation Un Recorrido por el Arte Contemporáneo Argentino. Curators: Ana María Battistozzi and Alberto Giudici. Editorial Paper
June 29:
- URRA closes it Artists’ Residences 

- RedGalería presents it virtual magazine proyectored.net

PROA's Press Room at ArteBA will be open from June 25th until June 29th, 1PM to 10PM, at La Rural in Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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