Giusepe Verdi - Instalaciones: Escenografías y Vestuario

Organized: Fundación Proa
Sponsor: Siat - Siderca - Techint Organization
July 14 to September 2, 2001


Commemorating the centennial of the death of Giuseppe Verdi, Fundación Proa presents its rooms, during the months of July and August of 2001, the exhibition Giuseppe Verdi. Installations: Scenery and Wardrobe. This invitation to accomplish a show in Fundación Proa emerges of the interest of the foundation in being included in the current panorama of the contemporary art, inviting to Argentinian creators that work a new dimension of the plastic space. The artists framed in the concept of "installation" integrate the viewer actively within the work. Their action completes the work of art. The viewer is included within, in a space that today is designated as "scene". The recent inaugurated Biennial of Venezia was designated "Plâteau de l'humanité", taking the word plâteau in its double meaning, as a place for the public and as a stage. This double meaning presents the current state of the contemporary art, defined through the artist as well as through the subject that is observing and also acting in the work of art. These plastic constructions attempt to approach these concepts that today the artists and the system of the art propose.
The consideration of several concepts made us to arrive to Giuseppe Verdi. Installations: Scenery and Wardrobe.
On the one hand the recognition of our operistic tradition and the important contribution that it oppered in the visual arts, presenting different aesthetics. Many of they are of Giuseppe Verdi, and in the year of his centennial it seemed important to us congratulate him in the frame of the "Verdian Centennial Year", which is celebrated all over the world.
Fundación Proa is a contemporary art center and as such it presents creative works in the visual arts. Being the opera one of the artistic genders that attempts to agglutinate all the arts, we take its visual contents: the scenery and the wardrobe. Thus, we have invited a group of creative scenographers to recreate the verdian world from a contemporary point of view. The Director Daniel Suárez Marzal suggested us to work only in a particular opera and among all use the interpretative amplitude that offers the work of art. He proposed the opera Un Ballo in Maschera, considering it a key work in the verdian production, because of the interpretive possibilities that it brings: "we should understand that this work, that suffered so many attacks from the censors, it is located today by its admirers outside of the conditions of the argument in a kind of mystical kingdom".
The theatrical or operatic scene is organized in the moment in which is lifted the curtain, and it is there where the wardrobe gives character and life to the personages. This discipline has also traveled throughout its history by different moments. We want to approach this discipline, and bring to the surface the secret work that the designers make to support the personages. In the contemporary era, the world of the mode talks with the art and as we have seen in large exhibitions in the Metropolitan Museum, the wardrobe and the creation of the mode invade the spaces of the museums because they are disciplines that represent the contemporary world.
From these concepts is presented the classic work Un Ballo in Maschera from a contemporary vision, as a ride for different moments of the piece with its readings and creations. This election of a classic work permits us to approach also the concept of how do the work lives in the time and how survives the art through the historical time.
The exhibition presents a rich panorama of plastic constructions accomplished by the designers: Emilio Basaldúa, Claudia Billourou, Jorge Ferrari, Alberto Negrin, Horacio Pigozzi and Jorge Sarudiansky. The wardrobe presented by Mini Zuccheri is an approach to the work of the creator and to the textures contemplation, color and elements of the discipline. They are presented suits of different representations at the Colón Theatre. Based on Un Ballo in Maschera, each one of the artists worked on a special moment of the opera and from there they built his work. Turned out to be a rich contemporary aesthetics panorama, of works that describe different moments and present different expressive languages.


Fundacíon Proa 

Sergio Avello 


Diseño Gráfico 
Guillermo Goldschmidt

Prensa y difusión 
Manuel Ameztoy 


Fernando Bruno 

Eva Grinstein 

Siat S.A.
Siderca S.A.
Organización Techint