Fundación Proa  presenta el Coloquio Internacional Marcel Duchamp, coordinado por Paul Franklin, los días 20 y 21 de noviembre de 2008, en el auditorio de su nueva sede.

El Coloquio Internacional Marcel Duchamp no busca explorar una línea específica de pensamiento, sino más bien ser una plataforma para el intercambio de ideas, con el objetivo de sacar el mayor provecho de la experiencia y de los intereses académicos de nuestros panelistas. Poder realizar el Coloquio dedicado a Duchamp en Buenos Aires, una ciudad donde él alguna vez vivió, es una oportunidad rara y única. Si bien abordaremos la vida y obra del artista como tema central, los tópicos particulares son maravillosamente variados y equilibrados”, explica Paul Franklin, coordinador del encuentro. 

Paul Franklin (EE.UU. - Francia) 
Es historiador del arte y arquitectura graduado en Columbia University, y obtuvo su doctorado en Harvard University. Es investigador y crítico, y desde 2001, es editor en jefe de la publicación Etant donné Marcel Duchamp, de la Association pour l’etude de Marcel Duchamp. Ha publicado artículos académicos y ha organizado numerosas conferencias sobre la vida y la obra de Marcel Duchamp.







Gonzalo Aguilar: Duchamp in Buenos Aires

Gonzalo Aguilar (Argentina)
Professor of the University of Buena Aires and investigator for the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet). He was a visiting professor at the university of São Paulo, in Brazil, and Stanford and Harvard, in the United States. Among other books, he has published La poesía concreta: las vanguardias en la encrucijada modernista(2003, translated to Portuguese) and Otros mundos (Ensayo sobre el nuevo cine argentino) (2006, translated to English). In 2005 he was a recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship.






Elena Filipovic: Duchamp as curador

Elena Filipovic (USA - Belgium)
Write, art historian, and independent curator. Specializing in the life and work of Marcel Duchamp, she writes and gives conferences on the subject constantly. At the same time, she researches and contributes to contemporary art theory. She was co-curator of the 5th Biennale of Berlin (April 2008) and co-editor of the publication The Manifesta Decade: Debates on Contemporary Art Exhibitions and Biennials in Post-Wall Europe (Roomade y MIT Press, 2005). Among her most outstanding recent curatorial work, are the Let Everything Be Temporary, or When is the Exhibition?, at the Apex Art gallery, in New York; and Anachronism, at the Argos Center for Art and Media, in Brussels. She is actually completing her doctoral degree in Art History at Princeton University, referred to the exhibition organized by Marcel Duchamp. Additionally she teaches at the Program for Curatorial Studies at the contemporary art center De Appel, in Amsterdam.






Linda Henderson: The Duchampian concept of “space-time“

Linda Henderson (USA)
Professor and researcher at the University of Texas-Austin, United States. She is a specialist in European and American art of the 20th century, in the period between 1900-1930, as well as in the interdisciplinary study of Modernism. She has published numerous book, among which stand out Duchamp in Context: Science and Technology in the Large Glass and Related Works y The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art

Currently, she is working on an exhibition at the Park Place Gallery at the Blanton Museum of Art (Austin, Estados Unidos).






Jean-Jacques Lebel: An artist’s and eyewitness’s views on Duchamp

Jean-Jacques Lebel (France)
An artist – one of the first European artists to initiate the happening-, and also independent curator. His works have participated in international exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale, and are part of the collections of the Centre Georges Pompidou, the Musee d´Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, and the Galleria Nazionale d´arte Moderna in Rome, among others. He has curated numerous international collective and individual exhibitions, and his illustrated interviews were published in the publication Etant donné Marcel Duchamp, n.7, Beaux Arts Magazine and the Spanish newspaper El País. Both him and his father – Robert Lebel- were close friends of Marcel Duchamp, and of the Surrealist artists’ inner circle, for which they have collaborated in numerous projects and publications.






Bernard Marcadé: El concepto del readymade y sus interpretaciones

Bernard Marcadé (Francia) 
Es crítico, curador, profesor de estética e historia del arte en la Escuela Nacional Superior de Arte de Paris-Clergy. Ha organizado numerosas exposiciones internacionales en instituciones tales como Musée de Nantes, Centre Georges Pompidou, Bienal de Sao Paulo, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en Montevideo, entre otras. Es autor de la biografía Marcel Duchamp, une vie a crédit, recientemente traducida al español por la editorial argentina Libros del Zorzal.






Gloria Moure: (topic to be defined)

Gloria Moure (Spain) 
Ph.D in Art History, independent curator, and art critic. She directs the 20_21 collection that belongs to the Catalounian editorial Polígrafa, and is the author of diverse essays on contemporary artists. She organized the first retrospective on Marcel Duchamp in Spain in 1984 at the Fundación Caja de Pensiones. She also organizes contemporary art exhibition at various Spanish museums, and has worked at the Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo, the Fundación Miró, the Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, and the Fundación Tápies.






Francis Naumann: Duchamp and chess in Buenos Aires

Francis Naumann (USA) 
He is an academic, independent curator, and art-dealer, specializing in the art of the Dada and Surrealist periods. He is the author of various articles and exhibition catalogues, including Marcel Duchamp: The Art of Making Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1999), and New York Dada: 1915-23 (1994). In 1996 he organized Making Mischief: Dada invades New York at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. In 2003 he co-curated Conversion to Modernism: The Early Work of Man Ray at the Montclair Art Museum in New Jersey, United States. Among his future projects are conferences and a publication on certain aspects of Marcel Duchamp’s production.






Michael Taylor: Duchamp and Étant donnés

Michael Taylor (USA - UK) 
As of 2003, he is the Curator of Modern Art at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Among his most recent exhibition areThomas Chimes: Adventures in Pataphysics (2007); Salvador Dalí: The Centennial Retrospective (2005); and Giorgio de Chirico and the Myth of Ariadne (2002-2003). He graduated at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, writing his master’s thesis on Richard Hamilton and his doctoral dissertation on Marcel Duchamp’s readymades. He has published numerous articles on Duchamp, Dada, and Surrealism. His future projects include co-curating the American pavilion for the 53rd Venice Biennale and and exhibition focusing on Duchamp’s Étant donnés (2009), at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.